Bf2 Maps Singleplayer Rating: 8,6/10 2879 reviews

Battlefield Singleplayer, home of Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, and Battlefield 2142 Single Player Modding. The place to go for Battlefield.

  1. Bf2 Bad Company Maps

Welcome to Battlefield Singleplayer Battlefield Singleplayer is a website dedicated to the singleplayer aspect of the battlefield game series. In my quest to put some words here to describe the site, it's history and mission I turned to one of our oldest members who was with our founder Gen Disarray from the very start, MasterChiefRulZ. He worked with Gen Disarray as a fellow moderator back at PBF. I asked him to give me a brief history of the site and in his usual verbose style came up with the following to which I could think of nothing to add. What I have done here with his consent of course is combine what he sent me in two pm's into one quote in his own words.

I just don't think myself or any one else could say it better. If fact from our conversation I feel he came up with the Battlefield Singleplayer name though too modest to admit it. Welcome to Battlefield Singleplayer. Cajunwolf 'Once upon a time a moderator for the Planet Battlefield forums, going by the name of General Disarray, was asked to found a BF1942 map review website for PBF. BF42Players was born, and thus the foundation was set for what was to come. After some time, General Disarray, with his experience in the BF community, realized that there was no site dedicated to the Bot loving singleplayer and cooperative crowd of that selfsame community. After much deliberation BF42 Players was changed to Battlefield Singleplayer, and thenceforth touted as a safe haven for fans of AI.

It was at this point that many bright minds began to gather at this wee little site, flourishing from 100s to now 1000s of members. Ranging from AI developers to those eager to combat AI in their game, the BFSP community pulled together with insight, creativity, and merriment as all shared their knowledge and works in an effort to better the singleplayer and cooperative experience. I remember the first AI pioneer for BF42, it was Arc D' Wraith. He trail blazed tools and set the foundation for others to perfect what he had started. Arc released the first custom bot supported map, it was a community made '73 Easting's' (not the official DC map) for the Desert Combat mod. Through multiple Battlefield titles and a myriad collection of users down through the years, Battlefield Singleplayer continues to thrive in it's mission to better the game and experience for AI fans the world over.

' Welcome to Battlefield Singleplayer.

13,179 downloads Uploaded: map. quote -URBAN-RAID- Version: 2.0 Fixes: skyscraper fix because of black flickering from far, navmesh update, expandet combatera on 16 to avoid dieing bots, waterplane on hotel delted because of collision problems.

11,474 downloads Uploaded: based at their airfield, along with a full complement of land vehicles. US forces have one attack helo and numerous armor and light and heavy jeeps stationed at their outpost.

The entire Dam complex, including all of the stairs, walkways, and corridors are playable by the BOTS. There are a few paratrooper spawn points at 2 of the Dam flags along with a few anti-air installations to defend against the air assault. This map is playable in Single Player, Co-Op, and Multi-Player modes. 7,063 downloads Uploaded: twist on the same basic map, and it works beautifully. On either side of the river there is a whole new city section that fits in perfectly with the map design, and surrounding it is forest with light overgrowth, but very dense plants and bushes underfoot that make it very hard to see people grass ninja-ing. Gameplay wise, the map is very sound. I tried it in the 16-player Singleplayer mode and it worked fantastically.


Bf2 Bad Company Maps

The bots sure as hell knew what they were doing, and they did it well. I feel as though the 16-pl size is still a bit too big however, and there's a fair way to walk. Some transport vehicles or maybe even an APC per side would have spiced things up, blowing up vehicles in close-quarters city combat. The one absolutely shining aspect of this map is environment.

Rolling thunder, dim lighting, a hissing from the grass and trees as you walk through them - all of them combine to make a stunning experience that feels much more real than most other BF2 maps I've played (especially the DICE ones, which apart from Sharqi seem so lifeless and unabsorbing). All in all, another stunner from imtheheadhunter.

Keep 'em coming:D RussianComrade. 6,681 downloads Uploaded: use this map in a mod then make sure that you keep this set up the way it is in the files.I do believe that the only mod where bots will use there boats correctly is in the AIX all other mods they do not.


Game modes 1. Singleplayer 3. Coop You will need the bf2 game and the 1.5 patch to play this map install open up the zip file and drag the information and to your levels folder which is C:Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2modsbf2Levels the is not include with this download.not giving away free maps. Any mod may use this map and you don't have to contact me to do so.have any trouble with map then contact me at

I am not responsible to any trouble to your cp when using this map. Have fun and thanks for downloading this map.Pacman:). 6,403 downloads Uploaded: that would undoubtedly be used by a warlord for the MEC forces.

The USMC troops can either enter by foot via the small outpost, or be parachuted into combat.' It's mainly for online gameplay, but you should be able to load the map up in singleplayer mode. But the bots might just wonder about aimlessly or not move at all. US forces can either spawn on foot where they will find 1 tank, 1 apc, 2 humvees and 1 attack heli.

Alternatively, they can parahute into combat over one of two CP's. Mec also have 1 tank, 1 apc, 2 heavy jeeps and 1 attack heli.

4,512 downloads Uploaded: folder in the C drive, Programs, EA games, Battlefield 2, Mods, Botmod and then place them in the level folder. Maps in this pack 16 player, aberdeen. Supported by BlackSandStudio. Bot Support by, Clivewil 16-64 Player, OperationFox. Custom objects by, the EOD2 mod, and satnav. Bot support by, pacman28 16 Player, SonghuaStalemate. 16 Player, Telemark.

Custom objects by the OPK, PR, and EOD2 mods, and StrikerJ. Clivewil helped out with the navmesh All maps have been tweeked by Blixy16. 4,420 downloads Uploaded: variant to load. SHORT DESCRIPTION: In this scenario the boot is now on the other foot! The Brits have counter-attacked on Crete and forced the German airborne units to retreat to Sfakia and fight to the bitter end while awaiting a hoped for evacuation - as the Allies had been forced to do themselves a month earlier.

Having rapidly pushed the German occupying forces south, the Brits launch their final assault at Sfakia on a misty, bright moonlit night, with a Stuart light tank and Chevy 30cwt AA truck for support. Further modifications I have made to the original map include -Some CP capture radius's have been reduced to force more aggressive capture techniques. Some extra waypoints added in town to assist AI.

Additional CP 'Villa' added to the NW edge of the town. Enjoy the map! Aussiejeff (aka aj51). 3,199 downloads Uploaded: sides to hold to try and stop ticket bleed! No more sitting in Matruh for the Brits.

They HAVE to go on the attack and try to control the ridge or the breakout will fail. AI tweaked with masses of waypoints in 16 Player & 64 Player- helps to guide bots and get better AI 'response' on maps (AI seems to work best on the smaller maps - Bots don't seem to get 'lost' as easily as they can in the wide open spaces!).


Commander mortar/arty now has flares included - specular lighting looks a bit odd sometimes but the overall effect is pretty nice! - File fixes to allow all maps to be played. Previous upload was missing a couple of files which caused load error on SP 16 & 32 maps.

2,975 downloads Uploaded: vehicles replaced with AFV's and/or AT guns etc). Max level view distance has been increased from standard (500m) up to 1500m and fog reduced significantly. Bot AI has been adjusted to allow for longer range tank v tank and tank vs AT engagements. If you wish to try them, you can also go to my filefront homepage and download my tweaked versions of FH2 vehicles & weapons, which complement this map and the other desert campaign maps well (faster vehicles = more action time, plus closer to real life muzzle velocities for main armaments - frightening!!) Note: When playing the map, please allow 5 mins for your eyes to fully adjust for my darker night environment - after which you will find yourself quite capable of traversing through the dusty, moon bathed landscape!!

Hope you enjoy. Convert afp to pdf open source. Kudos to the FH2 Dev Team for their great work.