PuzzPack is a Flash Application created by Detached Solutions for the TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition. Game Documentation. 'Play Help Exit'). PuzzPack is a Flash Application created by Detached Solutions for the TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition. Game Documentation. 'Play Help Exit').
The objective of this puzzle game is to eliminate all of the moveable pieces called Pegs from the playing field of each level. There are several types of pegs, each with different behavior, and generally two pegs of the same type can be pushed together to remove them from the level. This is easier said than done though because the pegs are initially arranged in positions where certain pegs must be removed before others, and strategy must be implemented in order to maneuver the pegs when obstacles are in the way. This version of the game has 15 levels, and it will keep you entertained and addicted to playing until you've beaten them all! The user has a main playing piece that can be moved with the arrow keys to push other pegs around the playing field, and it can only push and not pull the pegs. The available pegs that must be eliminated are squares, circles, triangles, and crosses, and their specific behavior is described in the rules and peg summary sections below. There is the obstacle of solid blocks, which cannot be moved or have pieces pushed into them.
There are also holes that cause the player to 'die' and have to restart the level if the main playing piece is moved into a one. Holes can also have other pegs pushed into them for removal, but square pegs will fill up the hole and remove it as well. If you push together two pegs that are not of the same type, a message will be displayed letting you know that 'They don't match', then you will have to restart the current level. If you fall into a hole, a message saying 'You fell and died' will be displayed and the level will be restarted as well. Whenever you remove all of the moveable pegs (except for the main playing piece), then the level will be complete and a message saying 'Nice Pegging!'
Each level gets increasingly harder in difficulty and requires more strategy and experimentation in order to solve them. When you've beaten the game, you will then be allowed to go to any of the levels using the Plus and Minus keys of the calculator as an added bonus. Controls in Pegs.
You must eliminate all of the moveable pegs to beat a level. You can only push pegs, and pulling them is not possible. Solid blocks with an 'X' do not need to be eliminated and they cannot be moved. Holes do not need to be eliminated and they will 'kill' the player if the main piece is moved into one, causing for the level to be restarted. When you push two similar pegs together, they are eliminated. You cannot push two dissimilar pegs together, and the level will be restarted if done so. If you push two triangles together, they form a solid block.
If you push two crosses together, they will turn into another peg of your choice, either a square, circle, triangle, or another cross. When you push a peg into a hole, the peg is eliminated, and if you push a square into a hole, the hole disappears too. Hole: This is a hole. Generally, walking into a hole leads to death.
If you push a peg into the hole, the peg disappears. When a square peg is pushed in, the hole is filled and disappears as well. Pegs Level Solutions You may view the solution to any of the levels in Pegs by selecting the level you want from the Pull-Down menu below, and then choosing to Open it either in a New Window or the Same Window. The New Window will be a smaller, pop-up window that has no toolbars and that you may easily close, but if your browser does not support this feature, then you may view the level solution in the same window. Level solutions are in Animated GIF format, which will play on their own in a loop and cannot be paused/unpaused or navigated. Hpw1907 monitor updates.
If the file is large, it may take a moment to load completely on slower connections. Level Solution For: Open In.