Pierced Arrows Straight To The Heart Rar Rating: 7,0/10 9052 reviews

Straight To The Heart Movie

Shortly after the dissolution of beloved cult band Dead Moon, husband-and-wife team Fred and Toody Cole recruited a new drummer and formed Pierced Arrows. The trio's 2008 debut, STRAIGHT TO THE HEART, doesn't stray too far from the Dead Moon formula, yet there's a slightly thicker, heavier sound present than the lo-fi garage attack of Dead Moon, with album opener 'Guns of Thunder' setting the tone. Regardless of what name they take or what slight sonic variations they might make, though, no one distills life's desperate romanticism into a three-minute rock song better than the Coles. Blood bowl legendary edition review.

Straight To The Heart Of Love

Find a Pierced Arrows - Straight To The Heart first pressing or reissue. Complete your Pierced Arrows collection. Shop Vinyl and CDs. Shortly after the dissolution of beloved cult band Dead Moon, husband-and-wife team Fred and Toody Cole recruited a new drummer and formed Pierced Arrows. The trio's 2008 debut, STRAIGHT TO THE HEART, doesn't stray too far from the Dead Moon formula, yet there's a slightly thicker, heavier sound present than the lo-fi garage attack of Dead Moon, with album opener 'Guns of Thunder' setting the tone.