Farmville 2 - Full Pc Game Rating: 6,5/10 867 reviews

Download Farmville 2 for Windows. Dive into the virtual countryside and relive your passion for the simple living with Farmville 2, a free game by Zynga, Inc. Get your copy of Farmville 2 Torrent, including the hottest tips and tricks you can use in the game. Download and use it to build a farm of your dreams.

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My mom loves to play farmville and my step dad bought them both brand new computer from cyberpower both with amd fx-4300, 8gb of Team Elite ram, and a gt 720(I think he wasted $600 each.) but the problem is farmville takes forever to load. They have the fastest internet xfinity offers. What could be the problem? FX-4300, 8gb of team elite ram and a gt 720 500w power supply windows 8.1, toshiba 1tb hdd 7200rpm. The computer is brand new. CPU is running at 11 C, GPU at 37 C, and hdd at 29 C. Also while it's loading it doesn't use more than 50% cpu usage or ram usage.


What could be the problem? The problem is almost certainly too much crapware preinstalled.

Find it, remove it. I've done this. Given 8GB RAM, a reasonable CPU, and a reasonable internet connection.there should be nothing preventing it from running OK. Are you sure there isn't anything weird running in the background?

I've checked task manager to see what programs and other stuff are eating up usage and it doesn't have anything. I'm sure McAfee is probably slowing it down but it doesn't say mcafee is using more than 1% of ram cpu or hdd. It's got me confused beyond all hell. That Computer is fine for Crappy Facebook games like Farmville 2, you need to look at keeping Flash and Silverlight updated and tweaking Caching also depending on what version and what Browser you are using can have a huge impact.

Farmville 2 Free Download

Use Flash Storage (the little bunny icon located on the bottom right of your game). This enables you to save bandwidth and speed up your loading time. If you ever see the bunny icon, it means that Flash Storage is not enabled. If you do not see a bunny icon, then you are getting the benefits of the Flash storage. Once you click the bunny icon, an Adobe pop up will appear asking permission to store files. Have your browser caches enabled.

To further improve loading times increase your browser cache sizes by following this link. Apparently the FX-4300, 8gb of team elite ram and a gt 720 wasn't good enough. 500w power supply windows 8.1, toshiba 1tb hdd 7200rpm.

And AGAIn the computer is brand new. CPU is running at 11 C, GPU at 37 C, and hdd at 29 C. Also while it's loading it doesn't use more than 50% cpu usage or ram usage. I doubt your CPU is running at 11C. It should be at about 10C over room temp.

How are you measuring this? I was just going by what speccy was reading, it was right after boot up so it might of been a little low. Again, Farmville 2 is a web-based game, is it not? Most of the content is loaded from the internet, correct? I still stand by the fact that it could very well be the ISP connection as nothing else has been mentioned about that.

Just 'paying' for faster internet doesn't mean you're actually getting it. There also could be other issues at play, which is why I suggested that OP perform some connectivity testing. I'm getting 37 ms ping, 60mbps download, and 11 mbps upload speeds through speedtestnet. 23 ms ping, 60 mbps download, and 11mbps upload speeds through xfinity speed test.

58 mbps download 11 mbps upload through speakeasy speed test. 60 mbps download, 12 mbps upload through att speed test. What other tests do you want? When I update and download games I get a peak of 10mbps. Yep, you're good on ISP connectivity to those test servers, so I'd assume if you're even getting a fraction of that to the Farmville servers, you're still in good shape. Virus scan running?

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Does it ever load in decent time, or is it consistently bad? In the first post you said the CPU loads at 50%, but now you're saying its 75%.does it just spike to 75%? 7200rpm drive isn't an SSD, but it shouldn't be a huge issue. Do you have other games installed? If so, what is loading time on them.normal.also slow?

Starting to wonder if this is a common Farmville 2 issue or not.and actually.Google returns a lot of pages that seem to discuss Farmville 2 being very slow and sluggish to start or connect to online servers. What could be the problem? Basic stuff to consider here that seems to be overlooked.

Did you try what I suggested earlier? It seems that was completely ignored. Lose McAfee is sucks in all shapes and forms, If you want something free to take it's place consider Bitdefender, Avast and Panda 2015 all three do a great job. Which Browser is this game being played on? Performance for Flash games can be hugely impacted by changing browsers. Consider using Firefox and IE for these games or Chrome with the following tweaks.

Antivirus Virus Game mode, Make sure this stays ON with updates sometimes it gets turned off in nearly all AV's. Pop-up or ad blocking software can slow down Flash games consider those settings. Wired or Wireless connections, if Wireless consider Powerline adapters. Adobe Flash Player and JAVA SE make sure you have the latest versions.

Video drivers are they updated to the most Stable version. 'Non Beta' Chrome 42 and above can be speed up by doing the following. A) Enter the following address into Google Chrome's address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi B) Click the Enable flag for 'Enable NPAPI' C) Relaunch Chrome Disabling the PPAPI plugin: D) On Google Chrome's Address Bar, type in chrome://plugins E) Look for PPAPI and click on Disable F) Refresh the page, re-launch Google Chrome. What could be the problem? Basic stuff to consider here that seems to be overlooked. Did you try what I suggested earlier? It seems that was completely ignored.

Lose McAfee is sucks in all shapes and forms, If you want something free to take it's place consider Bitdefender, Avast and Panda 2015 all three do a great job. Which Browser is this game being played on? Performance for Flash games can be hugely impacted by changing browsers. Consider using Firefox and IE for these games or Chrome with the following tweaks. Antivirus Virus Game mode, Make sure this stays ON with updates sometimes it gets turned off in nearly all AV's.

Pop-up or ad blocking software can slow down Flash games consider those settings. Wired or Wireless connections, if Wireless consider Powerline adapters. Adobe Flash Player and JAVA SE make sure you have the latest versions. Video drivers are they updated to the most Stable version.

'Non Beta' Chrome 42 and above can be speed up by doing the following. A) Enter the following address into Google Chrome's address bar: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi B) Click the Enable flag for 'Enable NPAPI' C) Relaunch Chrome Disabling the PPAPI plugin: D) On Google Chrome's Address Bar, type in chrome://plugins E) Look for PPAPI and click on Disable F) Refresh the page, re-launch Google Chrome I'll try those few things and McAfee works great, Except the site advisor. Plus McAfee is free for a year from my credit union. Also I did try what you mentioned earlier. As I think I stated earlier after I diabled siteadvisor it sped up noticeably and I switched back to fire fox because it supports java.